■ 取得する利用者情報と利用目的
・本サービスの改善本、不具合修正に役立てるため。 (利用者情報は個人が識別されない形式に加工します)
株式会社システムボックス 問い合わせ窓口
Privacy policy
System Box Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall provide customer user information through the smartphone sightseeing application provided by the Company (hereinafter the “Application”), In order to provide this service smoothly, we establish a privacy policy.
■ Manage user information
We take necessary measures, such as maintaining a security system and developing a management system, and implement safety measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, and leakage of customer user information. Endeavor to protect user information.
■ User information to be acquired and purpose of use
The Company shall not acquire information that identifies individuals when providing this application. Please note that personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses cannot be registered in your profile. However, when linking with a sightseeing promotion for exchanging goods, we may obtain destination information only for the purpose of sending goods.
The Company will acquire and handle the following user information via the application within the range necessary for the next use purpose.
Your device’s location information
Acquisition method: Automatic acquisition by this application.
Purpose of use of user information: When providing this service, to confirm the area and provide services that match the location information.
App usage history information
Acquisition method: Automatic acquisition by this application.
Purpose of use of user information: To help improve the service, fix defects, and analyze data.
Intentionally posted information, such as photo uploads and comments
Acquisition method: Input by our company.
Purpose of using user information: To provide services included in this application such as reservations and news.
■ About elucidation to a third person and an offer of the user information.
We offer the user information to a third person at the reach necessary to achievement of the destination in the case when we come under next one of them.
* The occasion with the customer’s agreement
* When we elucidate to the traders who entrust business for a customer to do the service hoped for.
* To use it for an improvement book of this service and bad correction. (An individual processes the user information into the form which isn’t distinguished.)
* When it’s necessary (An individual processes the user information into the form which isn’t distinguished.) for a public organization to use a country and an autonomous body for policy consideration of a sightseeing promotion.
* When it’s necessary to elucidate based on a decree.
■ Compliance and review of laws and regulations
The Company shall comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other norms applicable to personal information held, review the content of this policy as appropriate, and strive to improve it.
■ Contact
If you have any inquiries, opinions or requests regarding the handling of our user information, please contact the following contact.
System Box Co., Ltd.
Inquiry by email: info_dewanavi@systembox.co.jp